Lease Drafting and Review

Leases are drafted to ensure that both the tenant and landlord are aware of the conditions of their relationship and their respective duties. Having the right language in a lease is critical and might spell out the difference between winning or losing a lawsuit. Here at Veiga Law & Associates, we work with our clients in drafting and reviewing leases. We ensure that our clients never sign a contract with which they are not comfortable by making sure that these legal agreements include all required disclosures, adhere to applicable federal, state, and local regulations, and place our clients in the best legal position possible in the event of a dispute.


LLC/ Corporation Formation

Registering a business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts may be challenging. Allow us to assist you in determining whether an LLC or a corporation is the appropriate entity type for you. When you register a business you are provided significant advantages and safeguards including tax benefits. As a business owner, you want to insulate yourself from personal liability for commercial obligations.  At Veiga Law & Associates, we can help you in determining the type of entity to incorporate. Depending on your profession , you may be required to incorporate as a Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC) or a Professional Corporate (PC). These entities take longer to incorporate than typical LLCs and corporations, but we are here to make the process easier.


Resedential/ Commerical Real Estate Closing

Buying or selling a house, a business, or negotiating a lease are all types of real estate transactions that can become quite complex without the aid of an experienced attorney. Veiga Law & Associates is here to assist you in analyzing and understanding all of your legal options so you can make the wisest decision, resulting in the best possible outcome.